
Habsburg Wings 1915

A.Olejko - Habsburg Wings 1915 /Aeronaut/

Aviatik B.II Av-24 Annie
Flik 1 field airfield in Jasien on January 4, 1915... In the photo in the cabins of the Aviatik B.I "Durch" a veteran of postal flights to the besieged Przemysl Fortress, they are sitting from left to right: Oblt. Benno Fiala von Fernbrug from Flik 1 and Oblt. Ing. Rudolf Stanger from Flik 8 and an ex cavalryman Oblt Max Hesse is standing next to the plane with his pet - a white Spitz named Muzzl - Source: Fotoarchiv SAW-KA.
The Austrian Air Arm deployed a number of units to join the campaign against Russia; here an Albatros (Aviatik ???) B1 of Fliegerkompanie 1 is at Brzesko in late 1914.
Flik 1 airfield in Jasien on January 4, 1915... In the photo in the cabins of the Aviatik B.I "Durch", a veteran of postal flights to the besieged Przemysl Fortress, they are sitting from left to right: Oblt. Benno Fiala von Fernbrug from Flik 1 and Oblt. Ing. Rudolf Stanger from Flik 8 and an ex cavalryman Oblt Max Hesse is standing next to the plane with his pet - a white Spitz named Muzzl - Source: Fotoarchiv SAW-KA.
German-built Aviatik B.I 31.03 was powered by a 100 hp Mercedes and purchased by Austria before the war. Source: Aeronaut.
Carrying the original designation, the Aviatik o.Av 24 Annie of Flik 3 was photographed at the Minay airfield on 26 April 1915. The B.II series 32 did not differ appreciably from the original P 14 design with exception of inverse-tapered ailerons and a large balanced rudder.
Aviatik B.I ö.Av-24 bei Flik 3 in Minaj, 26. April 1915; Flugzeug später mit 31.24 bezeichnet, wurde zum Typ B.II umgebaut, Bezeichnung 32.01, persönliches Kennzeichen „Annie”
Aviatik B.I. Av-24 на Flik 3 в Минае, 26 апреля 1915 г .; Самолет, получивший обозначение 31.24, был переоборудован в тип B.II, номер 32.01, персональный идентификатор "Энни"
Aviatik B.II 32.15 at the front was powered by a 120 hp Austro-Daimler. Source: Aeronaut.
Aviatik B.II Av-3 32.15 at the front was powered by a 120 hp Austro-Daimler. Source: Aeronaut.
Aviatik B.II 32.37 after crashing into a building on the airfield. Source: Aeronaut.
Galicia 1914... Oblt. Guido Georgievic (first from left) and Oblt. Andreas Alexay from Flik. 5. at the Baranow Sandomierski field airport, next to the Lloyd C.I (???) aircraft, source: Fotoarchiv SAW-KA.
Aviatik B.II Elsa. Sources: Aeronaut.
Flik 5 airfield in Baranow Sandomierski, October 12-13, 1914... In the photo in an Aviatik B.I plane: in the observation cabin of Oblt. Ferdinand (Karl?) Banfield in the cockpit Oblt. (Hptm.) Josef Bendik - Source: Fotoarchiv SAW-KA.
Przemysl 1914 - the sting of Aviatik B.I... Machine gun mounted in the observer's cabin: source: SAW-KA Wien
Galicia 1914... Oblt. Guido Georgievic (first from left) and Oblt. Andreas Alexay from Flik 5 at the Baranow Sandomierski field airport, next to the Aviatik B.I aircraft - source: Fotoarchiv SAW-KA.
Military Galicia... In the photo, the Flik 5 airfield in Baranow Sandomierski. Next to the Aviatik B.I, there are members of the flying personnel standing and sitting: the first on the left Oblt Ferdinand (Karl?) Banfield, second left Oblt. Andreas Alexay, first from right Oblt. Guido Georgievic - Source: Fotoarchiv SAW-KA.
From the photo album of Flik 5... Oblt. Johan Mandi (first from left) and Oblt. Max Macher of Flik 5 at the Baranow Sandomierski field airport, next to the Aviatik B.I aircraft - source: Fotoarchiv SAW-KA.
The harsh winter of 1915 did not stop the postal line to the Przemysl Fortress... Aviatik B.I planes in the "polar" scenery of the Przemysl-Zurawica airport. SAW-KA Wien collection
The harsh winter of 1915 did not stop the postal line to the Przemysl Fortress... Aviatik B.I planes in the "polar" scenery of the Przemysl-Zurawica airport. SAW-KA Wien collection
The harsh winter of 1915 did not stop the postal line to the Przemysl Fortress... Aviatik B.I planes in the "polar" scenery of the Przemysl-Zurawica airport. - SAW-KA Wien collection
On 12-13 October 1914, Baranow Sandomierski became the Flik 5 field airfield... In the photo in the cabins of the Aviatik B.I - in the observation cabin of Oblt. Ferdinand Cavallar von Grapensburg, in the cockpit Oblt. Eduard Fritsch - Source: Fotoarchiv SAW-KA.
AOK and the military command of the Imperial-Royal Army constantly needed up-to-date information about the enemy. Winter was not an obstacle here... The photo shows the frozen Flik crew. 6. after a combat flight on the Serbian Front in the winter of 1915 - Aviatik B II aircraft in the background - source: Fotoarchiv SAW-KA Wien
The reality of winter front service... In the photo the Flik 6 crew in front of a Lohner Pfeilflieger (???). And just before the flight on the Italian Front - source: Fotoarchiv SAW-KA Wien
So they fly on this... This is how you can read the speech of curious glances casted by German army soldiers towards a foyer transported somewhere in Eastern Galicia in 1915 in the hall behind... a cart of an Aviatik B.I plane in the colors of the KuK Luftschifferabteilung. source: collections Polish Aviation Museum in Krakow.
"Eyes" of the field command of the 1st Army... The photo shows a field airfield in Nisko where Flik 5 was stationed on 18-28 August 1914 and 10-12 September 1914. Visible tent hangars and Aviatik B.I planes in the colors of KuK Luftschifferabteilung - source: Fotoarchiv SAW-KA.
On 12-13 October 1914, Baranow Sandomierski became the Flik 5 airfield... In the photo, there are transport crates with Aviatik B.I fuselages arranged for transport - source: Fotoarchiv SAW-KA.
Flik 3 in August 1914, it was on the Nord-Ostfront... In the photo, a Lohner B "Pfeilflieger" (???) plane in flight - source: Fotoarchiv SAW-KA.
Flik 3 during the 1914 campaign, on October 15, 1914, it found itself at the airfield in Sanok, assigned to the 2nd Army field... In the photo, Aviatik B.I aircraft during the landing approach - source: Fotoarchiv SAW-KA.
Aviatik B.II 32.37 Av-12 flys over its airfield. Source: Aeronaut.
Popular "pop". Aviatik B.I aircraft from Flik 1 wrecked on New Year's Eve 1914 at the field airfield in Jasien by Oblt. Josef Toth during the take off to the besieged Przemysl Fortress... By the plane from the left: Oblt. Fp. Jillicher, ex cavalryman Oblt Max Hesse, Oblt. Benno Fiala von Fernbrug, Oblt. Ludwig Dumbacher, Oblt. Stefan Horwath and unit commander of Oblt. Josef Smetana. From the right, next to the fuselage, there are crewmembers of the damaged plane, including Oblt. Josef Toth - Source: Fotoarchiv SAW-KA.
Aviatik B.II on its nose. Source: Aeronaut.
On October 15, 1910, a military airport was opened in Wiener Neustadt. The inaugural flight was carried out with the participation of the "Polish duo"... Airplane designed by Ing. Adolf Warchalowski (Zivil Flieger Adolf Warchalowski, on April 22,1910, received pilot diploma No.1 in the Austro-Hungarian Empire) piloted by Oblt Mieczyslaw (Miecislaus) Miller, visible in the photo (on June 22, 1910, he received a pilot diploma No.5) standing next to the Etrich Taube, source: collection of the Polish Aviation Museum in Krakow.
Viribus Unitis... The beginnings of Austro-Hungarian aviation. - author's collection...
Year 1914 - the era of the "fifth weapon"... The photo shows an engraving from the era of air combat from 1914. source: B. Hamann, Der Erste Weltkrieg. Wahrheit und Luge in Bildern und Texten, Munchen-Zurich 2014.
The world press in 1912 used the term puffer... In the photo, the Lloyd C.I - from Flik 4 - next to "classic" air bombs and the so-called Veljacic bomb - Italian Front 1916 - Source: Fotoarchiv SAW-KA Wien
Robert Baar at Aspern after winning the Schicht Flug speed prize with Lohner Pfeilflieger AD 567.
One of the best pilots of the KuK Luftschifferabteilung in 1914 was Oblt. Rudolf Holeka from Flik 8... The photo shows the pilot in front of the Lohner B "Pfeilflieger" AD 205 (11.05/73.05) from this unit with its own name"Bandit" al the Festung Przemysl fortress airport in Zurawica - the airport hangar in the background - source: Lt. Col. Dr.T. Kopanski
Lohner B.I Bote Av-3 32.15 at the front was powered by a 90 hp Austro-Daimler. Source: Aeronaut.
Lohner Bote (11.22) in the original production configuration exemplified by the large tail wheel, the single rudder strut, and the rounded ailerons.
The first days of the Great War... Festung Przemysl fortress airport in Zurawica. The photo shows the Lohner B "Pfeilflieger" AD 210 planes with its own name "Boy" (11.23) from Flik 8 - first from left Oblt. Arthur Bohm - source: collections of Lt. Col. Dr.T. Kopanski
Each appearance of an airplane, unknown wonders of technology, aroused the natural interest of the local community... In the photo the plane of the Lohner B "Pfeilflieger" AD 210 type with its own name "Boy" (11.23) from Flik 8 at the Festung Przemysl fortress airport in Zurawica in August 1914 - source: collection of Lt. col. Dr.T. Kopanski
In 1914, the KuK Luftschifferabteilung was based on structures made of wood, canvas and thin aluminum sheet lacquered with nitrocellulose, covering hot lubricants and fuel... In the photo, a shiny, varnished, truly Austrian production, i.e., a Lohner B plane"Pfeilflieger". source: Jacek's Stachiewicz collection
The Last Summer of Peace - July / August 1914... Flik 1 field airfield in Homokbalvanyos. Next to the Lohner D (B.III) plane, the Pfeilflieger stands from left to right: Oblt. Jillicher, Oblt. Josef Flassig, Oblt. Viktor Schunzel, seated Oblt. Benno Fiala von Fernbrug from Flik 1. source: Fotoarchiv SAW-KA.
Captured airplane... During the Great War, captured airplanes were also used in the tsarist aviation. The photo shows a Lloyd Pfeilflieger from Flik 3 "taken prisoner with the crew" in the Carpathians by the Cossacks of the 3rd Zaporizhia Regiment, transferred to the 7th KAO. source: M. Hajrulin, 7 nazwanoj aviacionnyj otriad, Moscow 2008.
Aviation "pop" at the field airport in Krasnik... During landing, Oblt. Max Perini of Flik 7 (the unit was stationed at this field airport on August 14 - August 21 and September 11-19, 1914) put a Lohner B "Pfeilflieger" plane on its nose - source: Fotoarchiv SAW-KA.
Over time, the infantry troops of the fighting armies became more and more familiar with the silhouettes and markings of their own and enemy aircraft... In the photos, training materials containing the profiles and markings of Austro-Hungarian and Serbian aviation aircraft, source: Србиjа у великом рату 1914-1918, Beograd 2014
Lohner Type C "C 6". Source: Aeronaut.
Lohner B.II 12.05 on its airfield. Source: Aeronaut.
Lohner B.III 14.57 after a bad landing. Source: Aeronaut.
Lohner M E21
Lohner Type 'T' L47
Lohner L131
Lohner L135
16 October 1914, piloting a flying boat type Lohner M E 17 Linien Schiffsleutnant Hugo Ockermuller carried out bombing and shelling targets in Kuksattel and attacked the radio station of the Montenegrin army while being shelled by a Montenegrin opl... The photo shows a Lohner M E 17 flying boat from Flotten Flug Abteilung Kotor moored in Kumbor. source: B. Ciglic, Seaplanes of Bocche. The Story of Austro-Hungarian Naval Aviation in Southern Adriatic 1913-1918, Beograd 2014
November 2, 1914 because of heavy artillery fire of the Montenegrin opl. from Mount Ratec and from the artillery battery stationed in the Drzak area, the shrapnel damaged a flying boat type Lohner M E 17... The photo shows this seaplane after launching at the Flotten Flug Abteilung base in Kotor Bay. source: B. Ciglic. Seaplanes of Bocche. The Story of Austro-Hungarian Naval Aviation in Southern Adriatic 1913-1918, Beograd 2014 (via B. Kudlicka, P. Plattner)
As a result of a strong south-west wind (Bora) and a storm up to 8° on the Beaufort scale, the Flotten Flug Abteilung hangar in Kumbor was destroyed, and the three Lohner M E 17 and Lohner Mn E 34 and E 35 flying boats which were in it, got seriously damaged... The photo shows the damage done to the Flotten Flug Abteilung base - source: B. Ciglic, Seaplanes of Bocche. The story of Austro-Hungarian Naval Aviation in Southern Adriatic 1913-1918, Beograd 2014 (via B. Kudlicka, P. Plattner)
One of the "Habsburg sea eagles"... Fregattenleutnant Konstantin Maglic (in the cabin of a Lohner M E 21 (???) flying boat) On October 31, 1914, he was awarded a high distinction of the Imperial-Royal Army Signum Laudis (German Militarverdienstmedaille) for combat flights over the Montenegrin coast in the campaign 1914 - source: B. Ciglic, Seaplanes of Bocche. The Story of Austro-Hungarian Naval Aviation in Southern Adriatic 1913-1918, Beograd 2014 (via J. Zahalka)
The strength of Bora September 14, 1914... In the photo the sailors of the Flotten Flug Abteilung Kotor next to the Lohner M E 18 flying boat damaged by a strong storm and two tent hangars destroyed by the storm, source: B. Ciglic, Seaplanes of Bocche. The Story of Austro-Hungarian Naval Aviation in Southern Adriatic 1913­-1918, Beograd 2014
FIotten Flug Abteilung Kotor... As of August 1, 1914, there were three Lohner M flying boats E 18, E 20, and E 21 in the state of the vessel... In the photo, flying boat E 20 in a transport trolley, taken out from a tent hangar and prepared for launch by the ground staff of Flotten Flug Abteilung Kotor - Source: B. Ciglic, Seaplanes of Bocche. The Story of Austro-Hungarian Naval Aviation in Southern Adriatic 1913-1918, Beograd 2014The Lohner E 20 being put to water. This plane, flown by Frglt. Gottfried Banfield, met French Voisin V 6 in flight on September 16, 1914, but did not engage combat. (Collection Paolo Varriale)
On June 28 and 29, 1914, three Lohner M flying boats E 18, E 20, and E 21 were used for flights (the crews - there were artillery officers on board as observers - they also recognized the area of the Montenegrin port in Bar)... In the photo there is a Lohner M no. E 20 flying boat from Flotten Flug Abteilung Kotor in a transport cart during its launch into the waters of the Bay of Kotor by the ground personnel of the unit - source: B. Ciglic, Seaplanes of Bocche. The Story of Austro-Hungarian Naval Aviation in Southern Adriatic 1913-1918, Beograd 2014
In the waters of the Bay of Kotor... In the photo there is a Lohner M no. E 20 flying boat during preparation for flight by Flotten Flug Abteilung Kotor ground staff - source: B. Ciglic, Seaplanes of Bocche. The Story of Austro-Hungarian Naval Aviation in Southern Adriatic 1913-1918, Beograd 2014 (via B. Kudlicka, P. Plattner)
On March 23, 1913, a makeshift air station was opened in Tivat in the Bay of Kotor which was operating until May 28,1913, headed by Linien Schiffsleutnant V. Wosecek... The photo shows the pilot in the cabin of a Lohner M E 21 flying boat just before taking off from the waters of the Bay of Kotor, source: B. Ciglic, Seaplanes of Bocche. The Story of Austro-Hungarian Naval Aviation in Southern Adriatic 1913-1918, Beograd 2014 (via J. Zahalka)
On October 16-20, 1914, the crew of a Lohner Mn E 33 type flying boat consisting of Fregattenleutnant G. Prebanda and Fregattenleutnant H. Fontaine von Felsenbrunn performed reconnaissance the area of Ulcinj... In the photo a Lohner Mn E 33 flying boat from Flotten Flug Abteilung Kotor moored at the shore Kotor Bay. source: B. Ciglic, Seaplanes of Bocche. The Story of Austro-Hungarian Naval Aviation in Southern Adriatic 1913-1918, Beograd 2014 (via C. Janie)
The golden hands of mechanics... In the photo a Lohner Mn E 33 flying boat moored at the shore of the Bay of Kotor during the inspection carried out by the mechanics of the vessel, source: B. Ciglic, Seaplanes of Bocche. The Story of Austro-Hungarian Naval Aviation in Southern Adriatic 1913-1918, Beograd 2014 (via C. Janie)
"Eagle of Trieste"... The photo shows the best naval aviator of Austro-Hungary Fregattenleutnant Gottfried Freiherr von Banfield in the cabin of a flying boat during its transport through the city streets - source: Fotoarchiv SAW-KA.
After launching ... KuK Seeflugwessen flying boat No. S 22 in the Brioni area - source: J. Butkiewicz collection.
Another flight, another reconnaissance... In the photo a Lohner type flying boat in the colors of KuK Seeflugwessen during a flight over the waters of the Bay of Kotor - source: "Das interessante Blatt" 1916
Reconnaissance over the Adriatic... 1914. In the photo, a KuK Seeflugwessen, Lohner-type flying boat flying over the roadstead of the KuK Kriegsmarine base in Pula - source: Fotoarchiv SAW-KA.
Domination over the sea... A watercolor painting showing the sinking of the French submarine "Foucault" by the crew of the Lohner L-135 type flying boat in the Oblt composition on September 15, 1916. Walther Zelezny and Lt. baron Otto von Klimburg south of Punta d'Ostro. author's collection.
The reality of the Adriatic air war in 1916... On February 2, 1916, the crews of three Lohner L 81 (Linienschiffsleutnant D. Konjovic and Linienschiffsleutnant J. Ritter von Ritschl), L 83 (Linienschiffsleutnant W. Hell and Linienschiffsleutnant M. Sewer) and L 82 (Linienschiffsleutnant K. Low) recognized the region of Valona falling into the strong fire of the Italian Opel in the port area and over the island of Saseno and still carrying out bombing targets. As a result of the fire of the opl Lohner L 83 flying boat had to forcibly launch due to a damaged radiator. Right next to it, a Lohner L 81 flying boat was launched, the crew of which took the L 83 crew on board and, with a total of four pilots on board, happily reached the base in the Bay of Kotor. The photo shows the artist's vision of the rescue of the crew of a downed Lohner flying boat by another K.u.K. Seeflugwessen. source: ‘‘Das interessante Blatt" 1916
Lohner M E21
Lohner Type 'T' L47
On February 14, 1916, ten [12] Lohner biplanes [Lohner B VII] from three airline companies [Fliegerkompanien] bombed the Milan power plant that supplied power to the entire war industry of northern Italy. The squadron's flight to Milan, 190 km away, took five hours. The squadron flew over the alpine peaks at an altitude of 2,300 m... In the photo of the crew of Flik 7 in leather suits after a happily return from Milan - Source: Fotoarchiv SAW-KA.
Bleriot XI Serbian Air Force, source: Б. Циглис, Крила Србиjе. Воздухопловна команда и авиjатика српске воjске 1912-1920, Београд 2009
At the request of Technischekomitee Marinesektion, it was decided to build according to the plans of Eng. Joseph Mickl's seaplane, on which it was later planned to test the usability of the seaplanes in the service on the Adriatic... In the photo from 1912, the first Mickl seaplane at the port road in Pula - source: P. Schupita, Die kuk Seeflieger. Chronik Und Dokumentation osterreichiszch-ungarischen Marineluftwaffe 1911-1918, Koblenz 1983.
Ohne Flieger kein Tannenberg 1914! Ohne Flieger kein Gorlice 1915! Ohne Flieger... The German 250 mm, 500 mm and 700 mm aerial cameras were the basic weapon of the flight crews of the Great War. In the photo, an observer of the German aviation at work - source: Wir Luftkampfer, Bilder und Berichte deutscher Flieger und Luftschiffer, Berlin 1918 via M. Bakun
In the fall of 1914, Albatros B.I planes were delivered to the field Fliegerkompanien by the German ally... The photo shows the Albatros B.I No. 28 aircraft from Flik 5 in front of the hangar with ground service - source: Fotoarchiv SAW-KA.
Flik 5 ground crew prepare to lift the three-bay Albatros Alb.28 (later B.I 21.28) for sideways storage on the Petrikau (Piotrkow, Poland) airfield.
Habsburg wings 1914... The photo shows the prototype of the Albatros B.II type aircraft (20.01) in the collection of the Heeresgeschichtliches Museum Wien, source: author's collection.
Under the wings, next to the red and white [red-white-red] war colors of the united [ck] army are painted with an iron [black] cross and long red-and-white war banners on their tail... In the photo the color of KuK Luftschifferabteilung on the wings and fuselage of the Albatros B.I (20.01) in the collection of the Heeresgeschichtliches Museum Wien - source: author's collection.
The first "radio" plane of the Great War, Albatros B.I No. 7 with given name"MUZZL" on the field airport in Jasien... In the photo taken on January 4, 1915, Flik 1 officer in the aircraft cabins: on the left, next to the antenna retractor Oblt. Benno Fiala von Fernbrug, Oblt. Otto Jindra (Oblt. Jillicher?), Oblt is standing next to the plane. Ing. Rudolf Stanger from Flik 8 - Source: Fotoarchiv SAW-KA.
Albatros Muzzl 21.07 fitted with wireless transmitting equipment. The large spool enabled the observer in the front cockpit to lower the wireless antenna while aloft. As a trainer, Muzzl was attached to Flek 2 in December 1916 and written-off in April 1917.
Radio crew... The photo shows a "radio" Albatros B.I No.7 aircraft with given name "MUZZL" in 1914, appearing in the Flik 1, 8, and 10 with the Flik 1 crew composed of Oblt. Ludwig Dumbacher (on the hull) and Oblt. Max Hesse before take-off from the Krakow-Rakowice fortress airport - source: Fotoarchiv SAW-KA.
The pilot was a "knight of the skies" only in propaganda "readings", which were heavily "fed" over time, the more and more war-weary society of the Austro-Hungarian Empire... In the photo one of them - Oblt. Max Hesse of Flik 1 during flight. The aviation helmet and the "air leather" on the body of an ex-cavalryman are noteworthy - source: Fotoarchiv SAW-KA.
We fly from Brzesko in 4 airline companies [Fliegerkompanie], With us - a delicious bachelor, [Oblt.] Benno Fiala, the one who himself led the train with his company's belongings [Fliegerkompanie 1.] when it was suddenly surrounded by Cossacks. He ran under fire to the machine, replaced the dead mechanic, counterattacked, withdrew the train, firing at himself furiously with a service pistol. He is cheerful and often poses for photos with a cute white spitz named Muzzl. This is also how the "radio" airplane was christened [Oblt. Max] Hesse... The photo shows a "radio" Albatros B.I No. 7 aircraft with its own name "MUZZL" in 1914, appearing in the Flik warehouses. 1st, 8th and 10th with the Flik crew. 1. composed of Oblt. Ludwig Dumbacher and Zgsf. Fp. Matti before take-off from the field airport in Jasien in winter weather - source: Fotoarchiv SAW-KA.
The last moments before take-off... In the photo there is an Albatros B.I plane from Flik 1 during the preparation for the take-off for the flight with post from Krakow to Przemysl Fortress from the airfield in Krakow-Rakowice 15 XII 1914 r. source: Fotoarchiv SAW-KA.
Some early aircraft used Roman numerals as did this Albatros XXII, later changed to Albatros B.I 21.22. The machine carried mail into the besieged Przemysl fortress on 15 December 1914.
The year 1914 brought great progress in world aviation, forced by the outbreak of the Great War... In the photo the Flik 7 crew in the Albatros B.I (23.24) aircraft built at the Phoenix plant for export to the Kingdom of Greece, armed with the 6.5 mm Schwarzlose M.12 system onboard - source Fotoarchiv SAW-KA
Until 9 December 1914, the airfield in Andrychow became the main air base on the Nord-Ostfront... In the photo, next to the Albatros B.I plane in Anrychow and, in the cabins, and on the lobe, Flik 1 officers. To the right is Oblt. Stefan Horwath, Oblt. Josef Smetana, in a cavalry Oblt uniform. Max Hesse; Oblt stands on the lobe. Ludwig Dumbacher - Source Fotoarchiv SAW-KA
Despite the bitter frost... Oblt. Jozef Smetana On January 22, 1915, taking medicaments and other things on board his plane flew alone to the besieged Przemysl without reaching his destination or returning to the base... On the photo the preparation on January 21, 1915 of the Albatros B.I aircraft for the flight to the besieged Przemysl fortress Oblt Josef Smetana at the field airport in Jasien. The pilot's winter outfit is noteworthy - Source: Fotoarchiv SAW-KA.
Just before the flight... The photo shows the Krakow-Rakowice fortress airport on December 12, 1914 and the Albatros B.I plane from the Flik 1 depot with a crew composed of Oblt. Stefan Horwath (in the cockpit) and Oblt. Benno Fiala von Fernbrug (in the observer's cabin) - Source: Fotoarchiv SAW-KA.
During flight training, each candidate for a pilot was a student pilot (Pilotenschuller), after its completion he became a pilot (Flugzeugfuhrer) and "in the field'' each of them became a Feldpilot (Fp.). In the photo, before the next flight in a full air gala, the Flik crew. 4 on the Italian Front in 1915, before taking off for a combat flight - source: Fotoarchiv SAW-KA Wien
Some plywood and cloth ... In the cabin of the Aviatik (Albatros B.I(Ph) ???) aircraft from Flik 4 crew consisting of Fahnrich von Bretfeld and Lt. Burlan - source: Fotoarchiv SAW-KA Wien
I met proud airforce officers, the combat pilots appeared (to me) as Olympic Gods... In the photo one of the Flik 7 pilots in a flight suit after a combat flight - Source: Fotoarchiv SAW-KA.
During the flights over the Alps the crews felt bitter cold... In the photo Hptm. Gruber from Flik 7 in a leather suit and "polar" footwear after a happily return from a combat flight - Source: Fotoarchiv SAW-KA.
Krakow-Rakowice Airport, December 15, 1914... In the photo the Flik 1 crew composed of Oblt. Stefan Horwath and Oblt. Benno Fiala von Fernbrug in the cabins of the Albatros B aircraft. And during the "dry mortar" - training with an aerial bomb - source: Fotoarchiv SAW-KA.
Flik 1 airfield in Bardejov on September 30, 1914... In the cabins of the Albatros B.I aircraft commander of the Oblt. Josef Smetana and Oblt. Stefan Horwath - source: Fotoarchiv SAW-KA.
More and more often, the crews of Fliegerkompanie 1 took bombs on combat flights... In the photo, the start of the combat flight of the Albatros B aircraft with the crew of the Oblt. Otto Jindra and Kpl Max Libano from the snow-covered field airport in Jasien. source: Fotoarchiv SAW-KA.
Vermist... December 10, 1914 Oblt. (Hptm.) Josef Bendik from Flik 5 together with Zgsf. Johann Papp disappeared during a combat flight. In the photo Oblt. (Hptm.) Josef Bendik in the observer's cabin of the Albatros B.I from Flik 5 - Source: Fotoarchiv SAW-KA.
Postal Albatros B.I... At the Przemysl-Zurawica fortress airport, the Albatros B.I plane from Flik 1 - in the cabin Oblt. Jozef Smetana. SAW-KA
Field realities... At the Flik 5 field airport, next to the Albatros B.I Oblt. Ferdinand (Karl?) Banfield - Source: Fotoarchiv SAW-KA.
Krakow-Rakowice fortress airport December 15, 1914... In the photo there is an Albatros B.I plane from the Flik 1 squad with a crew composed of Oblt. Josef Smetana (in the cockpit) and Oblt. Otto Jindra (in the observer's cabin) - Source: Fotoarchiv SAW-KA
German aviation technology... At the airport in Bardejov on September 30, 1914, against the background of the Albatros B. 1st commander from Flik 1 Oblt. Josef Smetana - Source: Fotoarchiv SAW-KA.
In Fliegerkompanien K.u.K. In 1914, the Luftschifferabteilung used bombs weighing 18 kg, carbonite bombs weighing 10 kg, 12.5 kg, and 5.5 kg, universal "Skoda" hand grenades intended for aviation... The photo shows the bombs suspended under the Albatros B.I aircraft from Flik 1- source: Fotoarchiv SAW-KA.
Flik 1 airfield in Secovce on November 24, 1914... Preparation for flight of the Albatros B.I aircraft with the crew of the Oblt. Viktor Schunzel and Oblt. Ludwig Dumbacher - Source Fotoarchiv SAW-KA.
In Festung Krakau... The photo shows the Krakow-Rakowice fortress airport, December 15, 1914 - Albatros B.I plane from the Flik 1 depot No. 13 in a tent hangar. On the right next to the plane are: Oblt Stefan Horwath and Oblt. Benno Fiala von Fernbrug - Source: Fotoarchiv SAW-KA.
Krakow Rakowice Fortress Airport in the period of December 8-16, 1914 (dates from archival records - dates from the record under the photograph on December 9-19, 1914) became the main base of Flik 1... The photo shows tent hangars and Albatros B.I planes from Flik 1 against the background of airport buildings - source Fotoarchiv SAW-KA.
The last moments before take-off... In the photo there is an Albatros B.I plane from Flik 1 during the preparation for the take-off for the combat flight from the airfield in Jasien - source: Fotoarchiv SAW-KA.
Jasien winter 1915 r. ... In the photo, Albatros B.I with crew Oblt. Otto Jindra and pilot Zgsf. Max Libano aircraft during the landing approach, source: Fotoarchiv SAW-KA.
Jasien field airfield... Start for the winter combat flight from 15 XII 1914 r. of the crew from Flik 15 composed of Oblt. Ludwig Dumbacher and Zgsf. Matti. Fotoarchiv SAW-KA Wien collection
The time of the pioneers... Namely, on October 13 [1914], three planes with officers [on the route] from Wiener-Neustadt flew over Schneeberg, a mountain 2070 m above sea level. Oberleutnant Bela von Losonczy [Flik 15] took off at [hours] 7.30 and flew over the mountain at an altitude of 2,200 m. Flying over St. Poelten, Tulin and Baden reached [Wiener] Neustadt at 9.30am. 10 minutes later Oberleutnant Alfred Heine and Leutnant Rudolf Henke [both from Flik 15], flew over Schneeberg at an altitude of 2,700 m, headed to Aspang and, having passed over Odenburg, returned after a two-hour flight... War time... In the photo, a Flik 4 Albatros B.I type during a flight over the mountains on the Serbian Front in 1915. source: Fotoarchiv SAW-KA Wien
On airfields with soft surface, full of uneven terrain, rollover was a frequent occurrence... Jasien field airport December 31, 1914 - New Year's Eve turnover of the Albatros B.I aircraft from Flik 1 piloted by Fp. Max Libano. Next to the damaged plane: on a horse Oblt Stefan Horwath, standing beside Oblt. Jillicher, second from left Oblt. Josef Smetana, third from left Oblt. Benno Fiala von Fernbrug, fourth from left Oblt. Ludwig Dumbacher, fifth from left Oblt. Otto Jindra based on an unlucky pilot engine - Source: Fotoarchiv SAW-KA.
Miechow 1915... At the Flik 8 field airfield Aviatik B.I aircraft no.19. KVH Beskydy collection
Przemysl windows to the free world... Aviatik B.I plane at the Przemysl-Zurawica fortress airport - collection of the SAW-KA Wien
Everyday aviation... Aviatik B.I postal plane at the Przemysl-Zurawica fortress airport - collections of the SAW-KA Wien
Aviatik B.II Rosa after a rough landing. Source: Aeronaut.
Aviation Fantasy... Oblt. Hassan Riza Effendi Pieler, pilot of Fliegerkompanie (Flik) 4 in the cabin of a fighter plane type Fokker A.III (E.III). On September 13, 1915, during a combat flight on the Italian Front, he flew an Albatros B.I aircraft from Flik 4 whose Observer Oblt. Roman Florer fought an air battle with an Italian plane, shooting it down. It was the first ever shot down on the Italian Front, how important it was because it was a Pole! - source: Fotoarchiv SAW-KA Wien
Fokker B.I 03.19 in intermediate markings of Austro-Hungarian colors of red and white with iron cross insignia added.
War tableau ... Flik 3 flying personnel - in the center the commander of Hptm. Karl Stohanzl - Brandenburg C.I aircraft No. 64.19 in the background (photo taken in 1916) - source: Fotoarchiv SAW-KA.
In the observation plane from 1915, the main role of the observer, apart from reconnaissance, was to defend against enemy fighter planes... In the photo from 1916, Korporal Niedermayer from Flik 4 on the Italian Front, and in the background, an observation post for a Brandenburg B aircraft equipped with a Schwarzlose machine gun - source: Fotoarchiv SAW-KA Wien
A crew with their two-seater at the front. Source: Aeronaut.
And so it used to be... During the landing at the field airfield on the Alpine air front, the crew of Flik 32 lacked a bit of luck. The photo shows a crashed Hansa Brandenburg C.I. Source: Fotoarchiv SAW-KA.
There was no air happiness... In the photo the Brandenburg D.I fighter plane from Flik 32 crashed at the field airfield on the Alpine front - source: Fotoarchiv SAW-KA.
The crash of D.I 28.51 of Flik 32 on the St.Viet airfield while being flown by Korporal Aladar Balasz.
"Aviation fashion" in winter 1915... In the photo against the Rumpler B.I Oblt. Ludwig Dumbacher and Oblt. Cizinsky of Flik 1 surrounded by German officers at the Croatian airport in Slatina, March 15, 1915 - source: Fotoarchiv SAW-KA.
Nord-Ostfront 1914... Flik 5 in the "full gala" at the field airport in Baranow Sandomierski (?). In the photo there are six Rumpler B.I planes with their crews and ground personnel standing next to them - source: Fotoarchiv SAW-KA.
From the Aviano and Comina airports on February 18, 1916, nine bomber planes, Italian "flying giants" of the Caproni Ca.3 type, took off for the Laibach raid, (six flew over the target, the rest returned to their home airports due to mechanical problems). Approx, time. At 9.00 the expedition was attacked by Flik 4 pilots piloting Fokker A.III (E.III) Eindecker fighter planes of German production... The photo shows a shot down Italian "giant" type Caproni Ca 3 No. 703. Source: Fotoarchiv SAW-KA Wien
The basic flying equipment of Serbian aviation in the years 1913/1914 was Bleriot XI - in the photos during preparations for flights, Б. Циглис, Крила Србиjе. Воздухопловна команда и авиjатика српске воjске 1912-1920, Београд 2009
In the group of Serbian airmen of the Coastal Aviation Division in 1913 there was, among others while piloting a two-seater Bleriot XI-2 aircraft, Sgt. Miodar Tomic, holder of a record flight at an altitude of 1500 m. source: Б. Циглис, Крила Србиjе. Воздухопловна команда и авиjатика српске воjске 1912-1920, Београд 2009
Over time, the infantry troops of the fighting armies became more and more familiar with the silhouettes and markings of their own and enemy aircraft... In the photos, training materials containing the profiles and markings of Austro-Hungarian and Serbian aviation aircraft, source: Србиjа у великом рату 1914-1918, Beograd 2014
Donnet-Leveque 11
May 1913 - a blockade of the coast of the Kingdom of Montenegro... In the photo there is a KuK Seeflugwessen, Donnet Leveque-type flying boat No. 12 moored on the Dalmatian beach of Banje near Dubrovnik - source: B. Ciglic, Seaplanes of Bocche. The Story of Austro-Hungarian Naval Aviation in Southern Adriatic 1913-1918, Beograd 2014 (via M. Raguz).
The first 240 km group flight took place in January 1913 with three Donnet-Leveque flying boats from Pula to Trieste and back... In the photo from 1913, the Versuchflugstation KuK Seeflugwessen base on the island of St. Catarina and a French Donnet Leveque type flying boat on a transport cart. Source: P. Schupita, Die kuk Seeflieger. Chronik Und Dokumentation osterreichiszch-ungarischen Marineluftwaffe 1911-1918, Koblenz 1983.
March 18, 1914, another flying boat built in the Seearsenal Pula Workshop was commissioned for service in the Seearsenal Pula Workshop, marked as A 22... In the photo, flying boat No. A (Arsenal) 22 taking off from the Adriatic Sea - source: P. Schupita, Die kuk Seeflieger. Chronik Und Dokumentation osterreichiszch-ungarischen Marineluftwaffe 1911-1918, Koblenz 1983
The Maritime Power of Imperial-Royal Austo-Hungary... In the photo: KuK Kriegsmarine SMS "Franz Ferdinand" and the Donnet Leveque S 8 flying boat taking off against it. source: J. Butkiewicz collection.
French gem... Krosno-Potok field airfield on December 19 (January 1, 1915). In the photo, the plane of the 12 Korpusny Aviaotriad (KAO) type Henri-Farman H.F. XXII No. 18 - source: the collection of Walerij Romanienko from the Museum of Aviation of Ukraine in Kiev via the Polish Aviation Museum in Krakow
Machina demonica... This is how the artist from the era presented in a watercolor the first ever aerial bombardment of Turkish troops in the oasis of Tagiura and Ain Zara by the Italian tenente pilot (second lieutenant) G. Gavotti, piloting a German-made Etrich "Taube", source: Domena Public.
The first pilot of the Imperial-Royal of naval aviation was Linien Schiffsleutnant Victor Klobucar Rukavina von Bunic in the photo, source: J. Butkiewicz collection
Military prey... Overtime, the Russian airforce used better and better French-made flying equipment. The photo shows a Russian type fighter SPAD SA.4 S-54, which on November 27, 1917, after a forced landing near Lviv (visible rudder shot in an air fight), was in the hands of Flik 14 pilots. Different, two-way nationality markings visible on the panels and on the horizontal tail - source: Fotoarchiv SAW-KA.
The time of testing foreign flying equipment showed that the KuK Seeflugwessen did not adopt floatplanes... The photo shows the French type Voisin L floatplane No. 14 during the trials at the Versuchflugstation KuK Seeflugwessen on the island of St. Catarina - Source: P. Schupita, Die kuk Seeflieger. Chronik Und Dokumentation osterreichiszch-ungarischen Marineluftwaffe 1911-1918, Koblenz 1983.