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Страна Конструктор Название Год Фото Текст

SPAD S.VII (Spa 7C-1)

Страна: Франция

Год: 1916


SPAD - SA.1/SA.2/SA.3/SA.4 - 1915 - Франция<– –>SPAD - S.XI A.2 - 1916 - Франция

В.Кондратьев Самолеты первой мировой войны

СПАД S VII (Спад-7) / SPAD S VII (Spa 7C-1)

   Создание в начале 1915 года относительно легкого и мощного 150-сильного двухрядного V-образного мотора "Испано-Сюиза" сразу подвигло многие французские авиафирмы к разработке истребителей под эту силовую установку. Наиболее удачным оказался проект инженеров фирмы SPAD во главе с Луи Бешеро и Луи Эбремоном.
   Аэроплан под индексом S VII впервые поднялся в воздух в апреле 1916-го. Конструкции фюзеляжа и бипланной коробки были аналогичны "Спаду" A1/A2, однако в новой модели Бешеро отказался от передней кабины, сделав самолет одноместным. Фюзеляж, крылья и оперение машины имели деревянный каркас, обтянутый перкалем. Двигатель с восьмиугольным лобовым радиатором, сквозь который проходил вал винта, закрыт алюминиевым капотом характерной округлой формы со съемными боковыми панелями. Задняя кромка крыльев, рулей и элеронов выполнялась из проволоки, а натяжение обшивки придавало ей характерную волнистую форму. Вооружение - один синхронный пулемет "Виккерс".
   Самолет показал хорошие скоростные данные, выдающуюся скороподъемность и высокую прочность конструкции, выгодно отличавшую его от "Ньюпора". После успешного завершения испытаний S VII был запущен в серийное производство. В дальнейшем, помимо фирмы SPAD, выпуск машины наладили еще на семи французских авиазаводах ("Де Марсо", "Жануар", "Кельнер", "Соммер", "Режи" и SEA).
   Всего во Франции построено более 5600 экземпляров S VII, из них 1800 - на фирме "Де Марсо". Кроме того, 220 штук было выпущено в Англии и около 100 - в России на заводе "Дукс".
   Первоначально серийные машины комплектовались 150-сильными "Испано-Сюизами" 8Aa (такие моторы стояли на всех машинах российской сборки), но в дальнейшем на истребители стали устанавливать новые модификации этого двигателя, мощность которых была повышена до 180, а затем и до 200 л.с. Также на поздних серийных экземплярах появились поворотные заслонки жалюзи перед радиатором, регулирующие охлаждение двигателя.
   Первые "семерки" поступили на вооружение французских эскадрилий западного фронта в сентябре 1916-го, а к весне следующего года S VII стал основным истребителем французских ВВС. Кроме того, на нем воевали английские, российские, американские, итальянские, греческие и бельгийские пилоты.
   По окончании Первой мировой войны "Спад" S VII участвовал еще в нескольких вооруженных конфликтах. Российские "спады" воевали в составе Красного воздушного флота на разных фронтах гражданской войны. Греция применяла свои 28 "спадов" в войне с Турцией 1919-1922 гг. В польско-советской войне "спады" активно использовались обеими сторонами, причем поляки закупили во Франции не менее 18 машин со 180-сильными моторами. Кроме того, 68 "спадов" S VII получила Чехословакия и 12 - Португалия, По несколько штук попало в Югославию, Бразилию и некоторые другие страны.

А.Шепс Самолеты Первой мировой войны. Страны Антанты

SPAD S.VII 1916 г.

   Появлению этого самолета предшествовало создание швейцарским конструктором Марком Биркигтом, имевшим в Испании автомобильную фирму "Испано-Сьюиза", 8-цилиндрового, V-образного двигателя жидкостного охлаждения HS-8A мощностью 150 л. с. И хотя во Франции уже были звездообразные двигатели "Сальмсон" (150 л. с.), благодаря меньшему лобовому сопротивлению и меньшей массе новый мотор позволил опытному самолету SPAD SA.V в начале апреля 1916 года достичь скорости в 213 км/ч. Уже в мае было заказано 268 машин для авиации Франции, получивших серийное обозначение SPAD S.VII C1. Успешное боевое применение новой машины увеличило объем заказов, и кроме SPAD машины строились следующими французскими фирмами: "Блерио Аэронаутике", "Лос Ательерс д'Авиасьон л’Яноир", "Келлнер эт сес Филс", "Конструксион Аэронаутике Эдмон де Марки", "Л'Ательер де Конструксион д'Аппарелс д'Авиасьон Роже Соммер", "Лес Ателье да Конструксион Режи Фрерье" и т. д. Кроме того, около 120 машин построила английская фирма "Манн Эгертон энд Ко" и 100 - английский филиал фирмы "Блерио" в Брукленде. Более 100 машин построила московская фирма "Акционерное общество Дукс".
   С 1917 года на самолет установили более мощный двигатель HS-8Ac (180 л. с.), летные качества значительно улучшились. С этим двигателем выпущено более 3500 машин из 5600 самолетов S.VII.
   Фронтовой истребитель SPAD S.VII C1 - одномоторный одноместный одностоечный биплан. Фюзеляж имел деревянный каркас из стрингеров и шпангоутов, обтянутый полотном. Носовая часть имела капот из алюминиевых панелей. В боковых стенках капота были съемные решетчатые крышки. Сверху и снизу фюзеляжа крепился овальный гаргрот. За кабиной пилота устанавливался небольшой заголовник. В носовой части устанавливался лобовой радиатор, за ним - 8-цилиндровый, жидкостного охлаждения, рядный, V-образный двигатель "Испано-Сьюиза" HS-8Ac (180 л. с.) с двухлопастным винтом "Шавье" диаметром 2,5 м. За двигателем размещался сбрасываемый бак емкостью 136 л, а над ним - масляный бак емкостью 20,5 л. Над двигателем устанавливался 7,71-мм синхронный пулемет "Виккерс" с боезапасом в 500 патронов. Крыло двухлонжеронное, цельнодеревянной конструкции, обтянутое полотном. Передняя кромка обшивалась фанерой. Верхнее крыло имело больший размах и оборудовалось элеронами. Стойки крыла - из металлических труб в деревянных обтекателях. В местах пересечения растяжек устанавливались дополнительные полустойки. Оперение имело деревянный каркас и обтягивалось полотном. Стабилизатор крепился дополнительно подкосами и растяжками.
   Шасси обычной схемы. Стойки деревянные. Ось имела аэродинамический обтекатель. Колеса мотоциклетного типа с колпаками. Шасси имело шнуровую резиновую амортизацию.
   На некоторых британских SPADах на верхнем крыле устанавливался дополнительный пулемет "Льюис", стреляющий над диском винта. Следует отметить, что SPAD мог на равных бороться с новыми германскими истребителями и к середине 1917 года помог союзникам завоевать на Западном фронте господство в воздухе. Кроме французских, британских и российских ВBС
SPADы состояли на вооружении американского экспедиционного корпуса, ВВС Бельгии.
   После окончания войны некоторое количество их попало в ВВС Польши и Чехословакии.

   S.VII С1 S.VII С1
   1916г. 1917г.
   Размах, м 7,78/7,57 7,78/7,57
   Длина, м 6,18 6,18
   Высота, м 2,20 2,20
   Площадь крыла, кв.м 17,85 19,10
   Сухой вес, кг 525 545
   Взлетный вес, кг 740 770
   Двигатель: HS-8A HS-8AAC
   мощность, л. с. 150 180
   Скорость максимальная, км/ч 185 195
   Скорость подъема на высоту
   2000 м, мин. сек 6,2 5,5
   Дальность полета, км 400 450
   Потолок, м 5300 6000
   Экипаж, чел. 1 1
   Вооружение 1 пулемет 1 пулемет

В.Шавров История конструкций самолетов в СССР до 1938 г.

"Спад-VII" - одноместный истребитель, одностоечный биплан. Внешне он казался двухстоечным благодаря полустойкам от центров пересечения расчалок до крыльев. Двигатель - "Испано-Сюиза" в 140 л. с., позже в 150 л. с., 8-цилиндровый, двухрядный, водяного охлаждения; радиатор - сотовый, лобовой, в круглом алюминиевом капоте. Вооружение - один синхронный пулемет "Виккерс" с 500 патронами в ленте на катушке за двигателем. Самолет строился на заводе "Дукс" в 1917 г. Построено было около 100 экземпляров. Из-за отсутствия двигателей "Испано" дальнейший выпуск этих истребителей был прекращен к началу 1918 г.

Год выпуска||1916
Двигатель , марка||
   мощность, л. с.||140 150
Длина самолета, м||6,1
Размах крыла, м||7,8
Площадь крыла, м2||18
Масса пустого, кг||545
Масса топлива+ масла, кг||80 100
Масса полной нагрузки, кг||230 250
Полетная масса, кг||775 795
Удельная нагрузка на крыло, кг/м2||43
Удельная нагрузка на мощность, кг/лс||5,2
Весовая отдача,%||30
Скорость максимальная у земли, км/ч||185 195
Время набора высоты||
   1000м, мин||2,5
   2000м, мин||5,5
   3000м, мин||9
Потолок практический, м||6000
Продолжительность полета, ч.||2

O.Thetford British Naval Aircraft since 1912 (Putnam)


   This famous French fighting scout, which first flew in Mav 1916, was ordered for the RNAS by the Admiralty, and contracts for 120 placed with the firm of Mann, Egerton of Norwich. In December 1916 the Admiralty agreed to hand over 60 of its Spads to the RFC in exchange for Sopwith Triplanes. The following February it was agreed to divert all RNAS Spads to the RFC. The photograph shows a Spad S.7 with a RNAS serial number (N3399). One 140 hp Hispano-Suiza engine. Loaded weight, 1.632 lb. Maximum speed, 119 mph at 6.500 ft. Span, 25 ft 8 in. Length, 20 ft 3 1/2 in.

O.Thetford Aircraft of the Royal Air Force since 1918 (Putnam)

Spad Scout

   Spad Scouts (both VII and XIII versions) had largely disappeared from RFC squadrons on the West ern Front when the RAF came into being, but the type continued to serve in Mesopotamia with Nos 30, 63 and 72 Squadrons, all of which had mixed equipment; such survivors were Spad VIIs for the most part. The aircraft illustrated (A8798) is a Spad VII built by the Air Navigation Co of Addlestone, Surrey. Powerplant: One 175hp Hispano-Suiza engine. Span, 25ft 8in; length, 20ft 3in. Loaded weight, 1,550lb. Max speed, 119 mph at 6,500ft; service ceiling, 18,000ft. Armament, one synchronised Vickers machine gun.

W.Green, G.Swanborough The Complete Book of Fighters


   Evolved by Louis Bechereau virtually in parallel with the unorthodox Type G (SG.1) was the relatively conventional Type H which retained the characteristic interplane bracing of preceding SPAD fighters and was of similar construction. Powered by the new 150 hp water-cooled Hispano-Suiza 8Aa eight-cylinder Vee-type engine, the prototype, referred to contemporaneously as the SH.1, was flown in April 1916. Trials indicated that the SH.1 offered a pronounced advance on existing fighter equipment and SPAD received a contract on 10 May for 268 aircraft under the official designation Spa.VII C1 (monoplace de chasse). The derivation of this designation is obscure, but SPAD's series of letter designations in alphabetical sequence appears to have been discarded in favour of a system more or less conforming with the designation assigned by the SFA (Service des Fabrications de l'Aviation). Consequently, the production version of the Type H was given the company designation S.VII. A sturdy aircraft possessing great structural strength and fine handling qualities, the S.VII closely resembled the SH.1. It retained the circular frontal radiator, but dispensed with the large spinner with frontal opening, and wing area was increased by 19.90 sq ft (1,85 m2). Armament comprised a single 7,7-mm Vickers gun with Birkigt synchronisation mechanism. Initial delivery tempo was slow; by 25 February 1917, only 268 S.VIIs had been delivered to the Aviation Militaire plus 39 to the Royal Flying Corps. The S.VII was initially referred to as the mitrailleuse volante of Georges Guynemer (France’s leading ace), but by December 1916, he had told Bechereau that "the 150 hp SPAD is no match for the Halberstadt ... it [the Halberstadt] climbs better and, consequently, has an overall advantage". One consequence was the introduction of the 180 hp HS 8Ab engine in S.VIIs from the spring of 1917. Apart from production by the parent company, the S.VII was to be built in France by the Societe SPAD et Janoir, Bleriot Aeronautique, Kellner, Regy, Gremont, S.E.A. and De Marcay, some 5,500 being produced. In addition, 120 were built in the UK by Mann Egerton and 100 by L Bleriot (Aeronautics) for the RFC, and in Russia slightly more than 100 had been built by Dux when lack of engines terminated production. Most French escadrilles de chasse flew the S.VII at one time or another, and, in addition to its use in the UK and Russia, it was operated by Belgium, Italy and the USA. After World War I, S.VIIs served with Brazil, Czechoslovakia, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Siam and Yugoslavia. The following data relate to the 180 hp S.VII.

Max speed, 132 mph (212 km/h) at 6,560 ft (2 000 m).
Time to 6,560 ft (2 000 m), 4.67 min.
Endurance, 1.5 hrs.
Empty weight, 1,102 lb (500 kg).
Loaded weight, 1,552 lb (704 kg).
Span, 25 ft 8 in (7,82 m).
Length, 19 ft 11 3/8 in (6,08 m).
Height, 7 ft 2 5/8 in (2,20 m).
Wing area, 192.14 sqft (17,85 m2).

G.Swanborough, P.Bowers United States Military Aircraft Since 1909 (Putnam)


   The Spad VII, (with the model number appearing both in Roman and Arabic figures) was one of the most famous French fighters of World War I. The letters formed the abbreviation of the name “Societe Pour Aviation et ses Derivees.” It was designed in 1916 around the new 150- h.p. Hispano-Suiza motor and carried a single 0-303-in. Vickers gun in a trough on the nose. The 103rd Pursuit Squadron used Spad VIIs briefly and repainted them with American markings before re-equipping with Spad XIIIs. Some of the other 189 French-built VIIs were procured as fighters, but the majority were used as trainers. Some Spad VIIs built in England by Mann-Egerton remained in service as trainers at Kelly Field, Texas, until 1926.

H.Nowarra, G.Duval Russian Civil and Military Aircraft 1884-1969

In the late Spring of 1917 the Spad Company retrieved its good name in the Imperial Air Service by sending 43 S.7s to Russia, a scant eight months after their first appearance on the Western Front, and at last the Russian fighter pilots had a potent weapon. The S.7 power unit was the 200 h.p. Hispano-Suiza, which gave the machine a maximum speed of just under 120 m.p.h., and this, combined with its great strength, made the Spad S.7 a fighter to reckon with. Most of the S.7s were sent to supplement or replace the Nieuports and Moranes of the newly-formed No. 1 Fighter Group, comprising four squadrons under the command of the leading fighter ace, Kazakov. This Group adopted the insignia of Kazakov’s XIX Corps Air Squadron of 1915 - a white skull and cross-bones on a black rudder - although the Commander and his deputy, Shangin, had the colours reversed on their personal machines.

J.Davilla Italian Aviation in the First World War. Vol.3: Aircraft M-W (A Centennial Perspective on Great War Airplanes 75)

Spad 7

  Italy’s fighter force had been equipped exclusively with modern French fighters. It is not surprising, then, that when the Spad 7 became available that Italy would acquire the type. It seems the Spad 7 was not liked by most Italian pilots and the Nieuport 17s and especially the Hanriot HD.1 remained the main fighter types. Ironically, the later aircraft was offered to the Italians because the Aviation Militaire wished to preserved the Spads for their own use.
  The first Spad 7s arrived in early 1917 and were found to be particularly useful as high-speed reconnaissance aircraft. However, the top Italian ace, Baracca, flew the Spad 7 because he was willing to accept its single machine gun armament as a trade-off for its improved speed and maneuverability.
  No attempt was made to produce the Spad 7 under license; Italy was placing its hopes on license-built HD.1s and the indigenous designs such as the Ansaldo SVA and A.1. These were expected to possess the requisite performance requirements, and these all-wood designs would be easier to mass produce.
  It appears that Spad 7s first entered service in March 1917 with 77a and 91a Squadriglias. By August 1917 the following units had Spad 7s on strength:
  I Gruppo (3rd armata): 71a and 77a Squadriglias.
  II Gruppo (2nd armata): 76a Squadriglia.
  III Gruppo (Comando supremo): 91a Squadriglia.
  IX Gruppo (1st armata): 75a Squadriglia.
  X Gruppo (Comando supremo): 78a Squadriglia.
  All of these units were flying a combination of Spad 7s and Nieuport 11 and 17s. By October 1917 the number of units had increased from six to eight:
  I Gruppo (3rd armata): 77a, 80a, and 84a Squadriglias.
  II Gruppo (4th armata): 76a Squadriglia.
  III Gruppo (1st armata): 72a Squadriglia.
  IX Gruppo (1st armata): 71 a, 75a Squadriglias.
  X Gruppo (Comando supremo): 91a Squadriglia. In November 1917 76a, 80a, and 84a Squadriglias reequipped with Hanriot HD.1s and gave up their Spad 7s. This was in part due to the fact that the Hanriots were being built under license by the Macchi firm, unlike the Spad 7s which had to be supplied by the overtaxed French aircraft industry.
  During Caporetto, on 27 November, the Comando supremo reported that there were only 119 fighters in the War Zone, including 34 Spads (almost all Spad 7s), 38 Nieuport Ni.17, 33 Hanriot HD.1, two SVA, and even 12 Nieuport 11s. Spad 7s now made up only about a quarter of the Italian fighter strength.
  By June 1918 the Spad 7s were no longer in front-line service and were relegated primarily to training units.
  In addition to escorting two-seaters and bombers, the Spad 7s saw widespread use in the high speed reconnaissance role. During the final months of the war Spad 7s were used in the ground attack role, two bomb racks were fitted between the aircraft’s undercarriage. The bombs were released from the cockpit by a Bowden cable. Ground attack was a particularly dangerous assignment; Italian ace-of-aces Baracca lost his life on a ground attack mission on 19 June 1918.
  The Spad 7s did have some notable successes. 91a Squadriglia led by Baracca destroyed 14 Austro-Hungarian aircraft between 20 and 26 October 1918. The type was also used for reconnaissance; of particular importance was a mission by three Spad 7s over Trieste and Istria. In these aircraft a camera was located behind the cockpit.
  As more and more Spads arrived with front line units, problems began to appear. Poor construction in the French factories resulted in numerous defects requiring the Italians to modify and strengthen the airframes.
  On 18 October there were 74 Spad 7s with front line units, making up only 20% of the frontline fighter force.
  Spad 7s were in use with he following Squadriglias:
  70a - 5, 71a - 16, 73a - 1, 77a - 15, 82a - 7, 91a - 9, Depots - 35
  Busto Arsizio and Donate Pozzolo advanced fighter school and Furbara gunnery school - 12
  The remaining squadriglias replaced their Spad 7s with Spad 13s during 1918.
  The last Italian air-to-air victory of the war would go to Cabruna in a Spad 7. On 2 November he claimed two Brandenburg C.Is near Aiello.

Post Armistice

  After the war ended, both Spad 7s and 13s remained in service.
  When the Regia Aeronautica was formed in March 1923 there were still 69 Spad 7s on strength (versus 216 Spad 13s):
  78a Squadriglia - Turin
  91a Squadriglia - Sesto San Giovanni
  Centro Aviazione da Caccia (Fighter Aviation Centre)
  According to Varriale, the last Squadriglia that operated Spad 7s was 83a as part of XVII Gruppo at Cinisello Balsamo. The Spad 7 was, at last, retired in October 1925.
  In 1927 two units still had a few Spad 7s:
  - the Sezione Autonoma Caccia (Autonomous Fighter Flight) at Nettuno
  - 1a Squadriglia of the Gruppo Autonomo 3° ZAT (3a Zona Aerea Territoriale (Territorial Air Zone, ZAT).

Spad 7 Single-Seat Fighter with one 180-hp Hispano-Suiza 8Ab engine
  Wingspan 7.822 m; length 6.080 m; height 2.20 m; wing area 17.85 sq. m
  Empty weight 500 kg; loaded weight 705 kg
  Maximum speed: 2,000 m 212 km/h 3,000 m 204 km/h 4,000 m 200 km/h 5,000 m 187 km/h Climb: 2,000 m 4 minutes 40 seconds 3,000 m 8 minutes 10 seconds 4,000 m 12 minutes 49 seconds
  Ceiling 6,553 m; endurance 1.5 hours
  Armament: one 7.7-mm Vickers machine gun

Журнал Flight

Flight, August 16, 1917.


   IMPROVEMENT is so rapid and changes so frequent in the design of the Spads, developed by the Societe Anonyme pour l'Aviation et ses Derives, Paris, that the type used within the next few months may differ in several respects from that in use to-day. The accompanying drawing shows the outlines of the type "S. VII," which is said to be one of the most recent. Fighting craft of this type are piloted by members of the Lafayette Escadrille, and used with good effect equipped with one and sometimes two Lewis or Vickers machine-guns.
   Approximate general dimensions of the "S. VII" are as follows:-

   Span, upper plane 25 ft. 6 ins.
   Span, lower plane 25 ft. 6 ins.
   Chord, both planes 4ft. 7 ins.
   Gap between planes 4 ft. 2 ins.
   Overall length 20 ft. 0 ins.
   Total weight 1,525 lbs.
   Useful load 470 lbs.
   Climb in 10 minutes 9,3oo ft.
   Speed at sea level 132 m.p.h.
   Speed at 3,000 metres 126 m.p.h.
   Motor, Hispano-Suiza "V." type 160 h.p.

   Both planes are nearly rectangular in plan, the ends being square and not raked, with corners slightly rounded off. The deep cut-out portion of the top plane, over the pilot's seat, as well as the close spacing of the interplane struts, shows a large area of plane surface aft of rear wing beams. As the ailerons are comparatively narrow, they must be carried on a subsidiary wing spar located about 9 ins. back of the main beam.
   It will be noticed that the interplane bracing is unusual; the wires from each side of the fuselage extend directly to the end struts, crossing at the intermediate struts. Where the wires cross there is a steel tube brace connecting the forward with rear intermediate wing struts.
   The fuselage is exceptionally deep, and the bottom is curved below the lower longerons as well as the sides and top, giving a smooth stream-line effect. The fore end of the machine, which houses the motor, is covered with aluminium, with a circular radiator opening which resembles the cowling of a rotary motor. Protuberances on either side of the cowl show where the camshaft covers of the Hispano-Suiza motor project. Perforations are made in the cowling, about the motor projections, for the admission of air.
   The rudder is hinged at a point about 10 ins. beyond the fuselage termination. The usual fixed stabilising plane and elevators are employed. The vertical fin extends 12 ins. forward of the leading edge of the tail plane.
   Wheels of the landing gear have a track of 5 ft.; the axle runs in slots which guide it up and backward in line with the rear chassis struts. Shock absorption is with rubber cord.
   The Hispano-Suiza motor develops 160 h.p. at about 1,500 r.p.m. Eight cylinders arranged V-type, water-cooled four-cycle, 4.7245-ins. bore by 5.1182-ins. stroke; piston displacement, 718 cubic ins. Weight, including carburettor, magnetos, starting magneto, crank and propeller hub, but without radiator, water or oil, and without exhaust pipes, 445 lbs. Fuel consumption, 1/2 lb. of gas per horse-power hour; oil consumption, 3 quarts per hour.

В.Кондратьев - Самолеты первой мировой войны
"Спад" S VII лейтенанта де Тюрення из эскадрильи SPA 48 французских ВВС, 1917г. "Галльский петух" на борту - эмблема эскадрильи.
Сайт - Pilots-and-planes /WWW/
This Spad 7 (serial S.1379) carries the Black Dragon of Spa.65 on the fuselage and is believed to have been flown by ADJ Marcel Henriot
W.Green, G.Swanborough - The Complete Book of Fighters
An S.VII of the French Escadrille SPA 81
W.Green, G.Swanborough - The Complete Book of Fighters
An S.VII of No 23 Sqn of the RFC at La Lovie in France, July 1917.
В.Обухович, А.Никифоров - Самолеты Первой Мировой войны
Сайт - Pilots-and-planes /WWW/
SPAD VII Ltn Decaix, Escadrille Spa.150
А.Шепс - Самолеты Первой мировой войны. Страны Антанты
Истребитель SPAD S.VII C1 эскадрильи SPA23 французских ВВС (пилот Максим Леноир; 1917г.)
А.Шепс - Самолеты Первой мировой войны. Страны Антанты
SPAD S.VII C1 XIX авиаотряда российской армии (1917г.)
W.Pieters - The Belgian Air Service in the First World War /Aeronaut/
SPAD VII, De Leener, 5me Escadrille
W.Pieters - The Belgian Air Service in the First World War /Aeronaut/
SPAD VII ‘Sp1’, Thieffry, 5me Escadrille
W.Pieters - The Belgian Air Service in the First World War /Aeronaut/
SPAD VII ‘Sp2’, Ciselet, 5me Escadrille
А.Шепс - Самолеты Первой мировой войны. Страны Антанты
SPAD S.VII C1 5-й эскадрильи ВВС Бельгии (пилот Ч.Чизелет)
W.Pieters - The Belgian Air Service in the First World War /Aeronaut/
SPAD VII ‘Sp5’, Orban, 5me Escadrille
W.Pieters - The Belgian Air Service in the First World War /Aeronaut/
SPAD VII ‘Sp7’, 5me Escadrille
А.Шепс - Самолеты Первой мировой войны. Страны Антанты
SPAD S.VII C1 19-го дивизиона RFC (1917г.)
J.Davilla - Italian Aviation in the First World War. Vol.3: Aircraft M-W /Centennial Perspective/ (75)
Spad VII #1390 (or 1398), Ten. Flaminio Avet, 70a Squadriglia, October 1918
J.Davilla - Italian Aviation in the First World War. Vol.3: Aircraft M-W /Centennial Perspective/ (75)
Spad VII No.14208, Ernesto Cabruna, 77a Squadriglia
J.Davilla - Italian Aviation in the First World War. Vol.3: Aircraft M-W /Centennial Perspective/ (75)
Spad VII No.4707, Tenente Giorgio Pessi, 91a Squadriglia
В.Кондратьев - Самолеты первой мировой войны
Спад S VII, 91-я эскадрилья ВВС Италии, пилот - лейтенант Дж.Парвис, сентябрь 1918г.
J.Davilla - Italian Aviation in the First World War. Vol.3: Aircraft M-W /Centennial Perspective/ (75)
Spad VII #4695, Ten. Bartolomeo Constantini, 91a Squadriglia, July 1917
J.Davilla - Italian Aviation in the First World War. Vol.3: Aircraft M-W /Centennial Perspective/ (75)
Spad VII S6363, S/Ten. Gascone Novelli, 91a Squadriglia, 1918
J.Davilla - Italian Aviation in the First World War. Vol.3: Aircraft M-W /Centennial Perspective/ (75)
Spad VII, Tenente Fulco Ruffo di Calabria, 91a Squadriglia
А.Шепс - Самолеты Первой мировой войны. Страны Антанты
SPAD S.VII C1 7-й эскадры 3-го дивизиона ВВС Польши (1919г.)
J.Davilla - Italian Aviation in the First World War. Vol.3: Aircraft M-W /Centennial Perspective/ (75)
Spad 7 #2489 in the Baracca Museum. The accepted knowledge in Italy is that Baracca scored one victory in it. In July 1918 this plane was assigned to Lt. Olivero.
J.Davilla - Italian Aviation in the First World War. Vol.3: Aircraft M-W /Centennial Perspective/ (75)
Spad 7 in Italian museum in the markings of Fulco Ruffo di Calabria of the 91a Squadriglia; he was an ace with 20 confirmed victories.
В.Кондратьев - Самолеты первой мировой войны
Российский "Спад" S VII постройки завода "Дукс" на русско-австрийском фронте, 1917 г.
В.Кондратьев - Самолеты первой мировой войны
"Спад" S VII завода "Дукс" из состава Костромской авиагруппы Красного воздушного флота, лето 1918 г.
H.Nowarra, G.Duval - Russian Civil and Military Aircraft 1884-1969
Spad S.7 aircraft of No. 1 Fighter Group, the nearest machine serialled S1424. Newly delivered, both lack the skull and crossbones rudder insignia.
В.Кондратьев - Самолеты первой мировой войны
"СПАД" S VII ВВС РККА. 1920 год.
A.Olejko - War Wings Over Galicia 1918-1919 /Aeronaut/
A Russian delicacy... In 1919, a SPAD S.VII C.1 captured from the Russians was repaired in the workshop of the Lewandowka airport. The plane was unfortunately crashed during a flight by Lt. Mieczyslaw Garsztka June 10 1919, who died in his crash. (the collection of Lt. Col. Dr. Kopanski)
H.Nowarra, G.Duval - Russian Civil and Military Aircraft 1884-1969
Austrian personnel with captured Spad, 1917. The black skull and crossbones indicate that this was the aircraft of Capt. Kazakov or his deputy, Shangin.
H.Nowarra, G.Duval - Russian Civil and Military Aircraft 1884-1969
Spads, Nieuports, 1 1/2 Strutters and Farmans of the Red Air Force.
Сайт - Pilots-and-planes /WWW/
This aircraft is believed to be the Spad V, prototype for the production Spad 7. The aircraft lacks national markings, has short individual exhaust stubs, and a smaller windscreen than production Spad 7s
Сайт - Pilots-and-planes /WWW/
This Spad 7 was experimentally equipped with a 150 hp Renault engine which required extensive modifications to the aircraft's nose in order to accomodate the 60 angle of the engine's cylinder banks, The engine was not selected for production Spad 7s
Сайт - Pilots-and-planes /WWW/
This Spad 7 (S.111) was the first aircraft off the production line. The aircraft was later modified with a wide radiator cowling opening. A collector pipe was fitted to the engine exhaust stubs
Сайт - Pilots-and-planes /WWW/
Le Grand Chasseur, LT Georges Guynemer, the best known French ace of the war beside his first Spad 7 (S.113). This was the first of three Spad 7s flown by Guynemer, all of which carried the name Vieux Chales on the fuselage. The Stork marking of Escadrille Spa.3 was in Red with White details
K.Delve - World War One in the Air /Crowood/
Among the French aces to establish a reputation on Nieuports and Spads was Charles Guynemer. Here he poses with a Spad VII in December 1916.
W.Pieters - The Belgian Air Service in the First World War /Aeronaut/
Capitaine Georges Guynemer, Esc Spa3 landed at Les Moeres airfield on 9 September 1917.
W.Pieters - The Belgian Air Service in the First World War /Aeronaut/
Capitaine Georges Guynemer, Esc Spa3 landed at Les Moeres airfield on 9 September 1917.
Сайт - Pilots-and-planes /WWW/
CAPT Georges Guynemer in his third Spad 7 (serial S.254) on 25 May 1917. This aircraft was the first Spad 7 powered by the 180 hp Hispano-Suiza to be sent to the front. Guynemer gained nineteen of his fifty-four victories with this aircraft, which still exists. It was recently restored by the Musee de l'Air for display at Le Bourget
Сайт - Pilots-and-planes /WWW/
During 1976 Guynemer's Spad 7 (S.254) was displayed at the Armee de l'Air Academy at Salon-de-Provence. The aircraft was hung indoors, however, there was no attempt to restore the Spad until 1981, when it was turned over to the Musee de l'Air and completely restored
Сайт - Pilots-and-planes /WWW/
S.154 also carried tri-color stripes on the rear fuselage. The starboard section of the windscreen has been removed, a practice that was often done on the Spad 7 to provide easier access to the gun breech to clear jammed rounds. THis aircraft also carried roundels on the tailplane
Сайт - Pilots-and-planes /WWW/
This Spad 7 (S.239) of Spa.102 at Courbeaulieu during March of 1917 has the engine cowling access panels removed for maintenance. The fin has been painted a dark color and carries a personal marking, possibly consisting of the pilot's initials
Сайт - Pilots-and-planes /WWW/
LT Frederic Loiseau of N 561 in his Spad 7 (S.1068) at Lido airfield. The nose of this aircraft was White and the area around the cockpit is believed to have been Green, with a shield-like marking bearing Loiseau's initials. The charging Black elephant on the fuselage side was also a personal marking
Сайт - Pilots-and-planes /WWW/
This Spad 7 (S.1379) was assigned to Spa.65 and it is believed that the aircraft was assigned to ADJ Marcel Henriot. The diagonal stripes on the fuselage side just behind the winged dragon unit insignia are Red and White
Сайт - Pilots-and-planes /WWW/
An early production Spad 7 (serial S.1837) on the airfield at Bar-le-Duc. The standard color scheme for early Spad 7s was overall clear dope on the fabric surfaces with the metal cowl panels painted Light Yellow to roughly match the doped fabric. The Yellow painted area extended to just behind the cockpit
Сайт - Pilots-and-planes /WWW/
These Spad 7s and 13s of an unidentified French Escadrille de Chasse parked on a forward French airfield are in the process of having the unit insignia painted on the fuselage. In the foreground is a Spad 7 (S.5190), while behind is a Kellner-built Spad 13 (S.4567)
Jane's All The World Aircraft 1919 /Jane's/
Side View of a Spad Biplane (from a German photograph of a captured example.)
H.Cowin - Aviation Pioneers /Osprey/
An SVII of Escadrille SPA 31 that had been forced down behind enemy lines and carries the legend 'Acquired by Jasta 38. 6 April 1917' in German just aft and below the cockpit coaming.
Сайт - Pilots-and-planes /WWW/
Spad 7s from various Escadrilles de Chasse on the airfield at Ham. The Spad in the foreground is assigned to Spa.31, while immediately behind it is an aircraft belonging to Spa.48
В.Обухович, А.Никифоров - Самолеты Первой Мировой войны
H.Cowin - Aviation Pioneers /Osprey/
Big, brutal and heavy, the SPAD S VII was the aircraft destined to usurp the Nieuport 17 as France's leading fighter. First flown in May 1916, the S VII initially employed a water-cooled 140hp Hispano-Suiza, whose output was progressively coaxed to give 150hp, then 160hp and, ultimately, 175hp, giving the later S VIIs a top level speed of 119mph at 6.560 feet. Although lacking the Nieuport 17's agility, the S VII more than made up this shortfall by virtue of its higher speed and really robust structure, the latter advantage gaining more importance in people's minds coming as it did at a time when the structural weakness of the Nieuport's wings was beginning to create genuine anxiety. The S VIIs armament consisted of a .303-inch Vickers gun synchronised to fire through the propeller arc. Deliveries of the S VII with 150hp engine started in early September 1916, the type going to both the French and RFC squadrons. Of these early S VIIs, some 495 were French-built, while a further 200 were produced under licence in Britain. These were followed by around 6.000 of the improved SVIIbis with the 175hp engine, the S VII eventually serving with many air arms, including those of Belgium, Brazil, Greece, Italy, Peru, Portugal, Romania, Russia and the US expeditionary force. The stork emblem on the SVII seen here identifies it as belonging the the famed Group de Chasse 12 commanded by Felix Brocard.
J.Herris - Weird Wings of WWI /Centennial Perspective/ (70)
The Spad 7 also used Le Prieur rockets for a time.
Сайт - Pilots-and-planes /WWW/
Spad VII of Spa 103. Note the Le Prieur rocket tubes on the wing struts
K.Delve - World War One in the Air /Crowood/
The Spad VII was the favoured mount of many of the French aces.
В.Обухович, А.Никифоров - Самолеты Первой Мировой войны
Сайт - Pilots-and-planes /WWW/
Spad 7
Сайт - Pilots-and-planes /WWW/
During cold weather, early Spad 7s experienced problems keeping the engines warm enough. A number of field modifications were tried to correct this problem including fitting the radiator with a solid metal cover, such as on this Spad 7
K.Delve - World War One in the Air /Crowood/
A variety ot Allied aircrew posing in front of a Spad VII. The prototype of this great fighter first flew in April 1916 and it soon entered production. Designed by Louis Bechereau, this was without doubt one of the best fighters of the war.
Сайт - Pilots-and-planes /WWW/
This early Spad 7 reveals the single Vickers machine gun, wrap-around windscreen, and early cowling opening. The two teardrop shaped fairings are the covers for the engine cylinder heads and the fairing between the upper wing and the fuselage covered the gravity fuel tank and radiator header tank piping
Журнал - Flight за 1917 г.
Журнал - Flight за 1918 г.
Some aeroplanes of the Fifth Army of France: SPAD.
K.Delve - World War One in the Air /Crowood/
More advanced types were also present - such as this Spad VII.
Сайт - Pilots-and-planes /WWW/
The small cowling opening of the Spad 7 caused engine cooling problems during warmer weather. Eventually the opening was enlarged, however, before this was done a number of field modifications were tried, including drilling extra cooling holes in the cowling as on this Spad 7
K.Delve - World War One in the Air /Crowood/
The Spad VII with its 150 or 180hp Hispano-Suiza engine had a top speed of 119mph (192kph) and was yet another of the superb French fighter designs that appeared from mid 1916 onwards.
The Spad S.7C1 was used by fighter units until 1925.
Журнал - Flight за 1917 г.
A view of the Spad used by the Lafayette Escadrille.
Сайт - Pilots-and-planes /WWW/
Сайт - Pilots-and-planes /WWW/
This Spad 7 belonged to an unidentified French pilot who wanted no one to mistake his nationality. The aircraft carries French roundels on the fuselage, wings, and horizontal tail plane. Additionally, he had broad Red, White and Blue stripes painted on the fuselage sides. The reason for this was to avoid possible confusion with German Albatros D.I and D.II Fighters
K.Delve - World War One in the Air /Crowood/
Spad VII of les Cicognes at Dunkirk in 1917.
K.Delve - World War One in the Air /Crowood/
The French fighter units continued to use the Spads and Nieuports to good effect. These Spad VIIs are from SPA97.
Сайт - Pilots-and-planes /WWW/
Ground crews bore-sight the Vickers machine gun of a Spad 7 into a hillside firing pit at a French airfield on the Marne during April of 1917
Сайт - Pilots-and-planes /WWW/
German postcard of a Spad
Журнал - Flight за 1918 г.
Lieutenant Fonck, the very successful French pilot, in one of the machines which have helped him to do such execution.
В.Обухович, А.Никифоров - Самолеты Первой Мировой войны
Сайт - Pilots-and-planes /WWW/
This Spad 7, fitted with a non-standard windscreen, carries no armament and is believed to have been used as a training aircraft. The marking on the fuselage is believed to be a personal insignia
W.Green, G.Swanborough - The Complete Book of Fighters
The S.VII illustrated by the photo being a Mann Egerton-built example.
G.Swanborough, P.Bowers - United States Military Aircraft since 1909 /Putnam/
O.Thetford - Aircraft of the Royal Air Force since 1918 /Putnam/
Английский "Спад" S VII.
The aircraft illustrated (A8798) is a Spad VII built by the Air Navigation Co of Addlestone, Surrey.
O.Thetford - British Naval Aircraft since 1912 /Putnam/
The photograph shows a Spad S.7 with a RNAS serial number (N3399).
В.Обухович, А.Никифоров - Самолеты Первой Мировой войны
Сайт - Pilots-and-planes /WWW/
Caporal Stuart Walcott and a Spad 7 at the G.D.E., Plessis-Belleville, France, October 1917
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An RAF ground crewman demonstrates the use of a Hucks starter truck to start the engine of this Italian Spad 7. The British demonstrated the Hucks starter to the Italian during the mid-1920s
H.Cowin - Aviation Pioneers /Osprey/
The Italian Military Air Service relied totally on French developed fighters for its front-line equipment throughout the war. Interestingly, this photograph of an Italian operated SPAD S VII also includes a Nieuport 11, another of the French fighters the Italians favoured. However, unlike the Nieuport 11s and 17s that the Italian built under licence, all 197 Italian SPAD S VIIs were purchased directly from France.
J.Davilla - Italian Aviation in the First World War. Vol.1: Operations /Centennial Perspective/ (73)
Italian Spad 7 fighters at the front.
J.Davilla - Italian Aviation in the First World War. Vol.3: Aircraft M-W /Centennial Perspective/ (75)
Spad 7.
Сайт - Pilots-and-planes /WWW/
This Spad 7 of an unknown Italian unit carries an inscription on the fuselage side which reads T veclo...!!! (old man in the Venetian dialect). The fighter in the background is an Ansaldo S.V.A.5
J.Davilla - Italian Aviation in the First World War. Vol.3: Aircraft M-W /Centennial Perspective/ (75)
Spad 7 flown by Cabruna.
J.Davilla - Italian Aviation in the First World War. Vol.1: Operations /Centennial Perspective/ (73)
Spad 7 with small windscreen in 1919. The pilot is Euardo Olivera from Argentina.
J.Davilla - Italian Aviation in the First World War. Vol.1: Operations /Centennial Perspective/ (73)
Italian fighter pilot in his Spad 7.
J.Davilla - Italian Aviation in the First World War. Vol.3: Aircraft M-W /Centennial Perspective/ (75)
Spad 7s in Italian service.
J.Davilla - Italian Aviation in the First World War. Vol.1: Operations /Centennial Perspective/ (73)
Spad 7 fighters in the field. A Hanriot is in the background.
J.Davilla - Italian Aviation in the First World War. Vol.1: Operations /Centennial Perspective/ (73)
Italian Spad 7 lineup.
J.Davilla - Italian Aviation in the First World War. Vol.1: Operations /Centennial Perspective/ (73)
Italian fighter pilot getting ready to take off in his Spad 7.
J.Davilla - Italian Aviation in the First World War. Vol.1: Operations /Centennial Perspective/ (73)
Italian Spad 7 fighter at the front.
J.Davilla - Italian Aviation in the First World War. Vol.1: Operations /Centennial Perspective/ (73)
Italian fighter pilots with a Spad 7 as a background.
J.Davilla - Italian Aviation in the First World War. Vol.1: Operations /Centennial Perspective/ (73)
J.Davilla - Italian Aviation in the First World War. Vol.3: Aircraft M-W /Centennial Perspective/ (75)
Spad 7 in Italian service.
J.Davilla - Italian Aviation in the First World War. Vol.1: Operations /Centennial Perspective/ (73)
Two Italian mechanics in front of a Spad 7.
J.Davilla - Italian Aviation in the First World War. Vol.1: Operations /Centennial Perspective/ (73)
Italian fighter pilots with a Spad 7 of 77a Squadriglia.
J.Davilla - Italian Aviation in the First World War. Vol.1: Operations /Centennial Perspective/ (73)
Spad 7 of the 71a Squadriglia in February 1918.
J.Davilla - Italian Aviation in the First World War. Vol.1: Operations /Centennial Perspective/ (73)
Spad 7 of 71a Squadriglia, 1918. The Spad supplemented but did not replace the Hanriot HD.1. It was faster than the HD.1 but less maneuverable, and its armament remained a single synchronized gun. Most Italian fighter pilots prized maneuverability above all other qualities.
J.Davilla - Italian Aviation in the First World War. Vol.1: Operations /Centennial Perspective/ (73)
J.Davilla - Italian Aviation in the First World War. Vol.3: Aircraft M-W /Centennial Perspective/ (75)
Spad 7 in Italian service.
J.Davilla - Italian Aviation in the First World War. Vol.1: Operations /Centennial Perspective/ (73)
Italian Spad 7 with onlookers.
W.Pieters - The Belgian Air Service in the First World War /Aeronaut/
SPAD VII ‘Sp2’ of Ciselet, 5me Escadrille.
W.Pieters - The Belgian Air Service in the First World War /Aeronaut/
S/Lt Charles Sidi Ciselet, 5me Esc, was severely wounded in a 5 vs 1 combat on 23 September 1917. He would not recover before the end of hostilities.
W.Pieters - The Belgian Air Service in the First World War /Aeronaut/
SPAD VII, Sp4, of 5me Escadrille de Chasse.
W.Pieters - The Belgian Air Service in the First World War /Aeronaut/
SPAD VII, Sp7, with wet feet.
W.Pieters - The Belgian Air Service in the First World War /Aeronaut/
SPAD VIIs Sp7 & Sp5 flanked by an unknown SPAD. In the background can be seen at least three Nieuport N23s.
W.Pieters - The Belgian Air Service in the First World War /Aeronaut/
S/Lt Edmond Thieffry, 5me Esc, received a SPAD SVII in August 1917 and scored three victories within 10 days, bringing his total to nine.
W.Pieters - The Belgian Air Service in the First World War /Aeronaut/
S/Lt Edmond Thieffry, 10me Esc, was shot down and taken prisoner on 23 February 1918. He was Belgium’s top scoring ace with 10 victories at that moment.
W.Pieters - The Belgian Air Service in the First World War /Aeronaut/
41-year-old S/Lt Rene Vertongen, test pilot at Calais-Beaumarais, disappeared over the Channel on 1 February 1918, flying a HD 1 to the front. He washed ashore in April.
W.Pieters - The Belgian Air Service in the First World War /Aeronaut/
S/Lt Edmond Thieffry scored his 10th & final victory on 16 October 1917.
W.Pieters - The Belgian Air Service in the First World War /Aeronaut/
S/Lt Albert Van Cotthem, test pilot at Calais-Beamarais, scored his only victory on 18 March 1918.
W.Pieters - The Belgian Air Service in the First World War /Aeronaut/
S/Lt Bob De Leener, 10me Esc, scored his only victory by downing the Ruyterhoek balloon on 16 September 1918.
W.Pieters - The Belgian Air Service in the First World War /Aeronaut/
Adjudant Teddy Franchomme was transferred to the Pilot School where he saw out the war, but not before he had flown a Spad VII at the front.
W.Pieters - The Belgian Air Service in the First World War /Aeronaut/
Adjt Edmond Weekers, 10me Esc, cooperated in the shooting down of a Drachen-bailoon on 30 May 1918, but was not credited.
В.Обухович, А.Никифоров - Самолеты Первой Мировой войны
Журнал - Flight за 1917 г.
Edward F. Hinckle, of the Lafayette Escadrille, standing in front of the first aeroplane to carry the American flag over the French lines.
Сайт - Pilots-and-planes /WWW/
LT Rudolf Windisch of Jasta 66 in the cockpit of a captured Spad 7. LT Windisch flew the Spad in combat with German markings, however, he retained the dragon marking and tri-color wing stripes of its former owners, Escadrille Spa.65, on the fuselage side
J.Herris - Halberstadt Aircraft of WWI. Volume 2: CL.IV-CLS.I & Fighters /Centennial Perspective/ (45)
This is a Halberstadt D.III at Jastaschule I at Famars airfield near Valenciennes, along with an Albatros D.III. The Spad was one of a whole flight of captured Allied aircraft at the Jastaschule, something of an aggressor squadron. The man on the left is Hptm. Martin Zander, the commander of the school. Zander (five victories) had been pulled from his command of Jasta 1 to take over the new school when it was formed in late November 1916. The man on the right with the big ears is Oblt. Erich Hahn, one of Zander's former pilots at Jasta 1. Hahn appears to have merely been visiting as he was not on the staff of the Jastaschule. Hahn (six victories) commanded the new Jasta 19 until his death on 4 September 1917.
J.Herris - Halberstadt Aircraft of WWI. Volume 2: CL.IV-CLS.I & Fighters /Centennial Perspective/ (45)
From left, an Albatros D.III, a Halberstadt D.III, and a Spad 7 at Jastaschule I at Famars airfield near Valenciennes. The Albatros D.III is Hptm. Martin Zander's personal machine. It is marked with the letter 'Z' on the bottom wing undersurfaces and is faintly seen on the original image.
J.Herris, J.Leckscheid - Fokker Aircraft of WWI. Vol.5: 1918 Designs Part 2: D.VII & E.V/D.VIII /Centennial Perspective/ (55)
A lineup of Jasta 6 Fokker D.VII fighters apparently taken at Beugneux airfield. Kirschstein's plane heads the lineup, the usual position for the aircraft of the officer in charge, indicating the photo was snapped on or after 10 June, when he took over command of the Staffel. Parked next to it is a captured, all-white Spad VII still carrying the unit marking of Esc. Spa. 62, its original owner. (Bruno Schmaling)
W.Green, G.Swanborough - The Complete Book of Fighters
A Czechoslovak Army S.VII photographed at Cheb in Western Bohemia during 1920-21.
Сайт - Pilots-and-planes /WWW/
This Spad 7 was one of a number of Spads that were exported to Czechoslovakia. The aircraft served with the Czechoslovakian Air Force during 1920 and had the landing gear struts faired over in an attempt to increase the aircraft's top speed
K.Delve - World War One in the Air /Crowood/
Rugged and dependable, and rated amongst the top three fighters of the War, the Spad VII served on to the end ol the war.
Сайт - Pilots-and-planes /WWW/
Rene Fonk's Spad VII (S1461) with the Spa 103 'Stork' and the Roman IX number. Forced landing in May 1917
J.Herris - Weird Wings of WWI /Centennial Perspective/ (70)
Spad 7 with three guns, two of them on the lower wing. Although a very successful fighter, the production Spad 7 mounted only one synchronized gun, a liability in a time of frequent gun jams. The wing-mounted Lewis guns used ammunition drums that could not be reloaded in combat.
Сайт - Pilots-and-planes /WWW/
This crashed Spad 7 is believed to have been assigned to Escadrille Spa.67. The aircraft has a pair of eyes painted on the cylinder head fairings. The large square and circular cutouts in the fuselage engine access panels were done to provide additional cooling air to the engine
W.Pieters - The Belgian Air Service in the First World War /Aeronaut/
Adjudant Max Orban is surveying the damage on his SPAD SVII after a rather heavy landing.
W.Pieters - The Belgian Air Service in the First World War /Aeronaut/
Although not mentioned in combat orders, Adjt Georges Medaets turned over during a landing at Les Moeres airfield on 10 September 1917.
W.Pieters - The Belgian Air Service in the First World War /Aeronaut/
I Sgt Charles Wouters, 10me Esc, suffered engine failure on 12 April 1918. His landing was somewhat clumsy.
A.Olejko - War Wings Over Galicia 1918-1919 /Aeronaut/
A Russian delicacy... In 1919, a SPAD S.VII C.1 captured from the Russians was repaired in the workshop of the Lewandowka airport. The plane was unfortunately crashed during a flight by Lt. Mieczyslaw Garsztka June 10 1919, who died in his crash. (the collection of Lt. Col. Dr. Kopanski)
Журнал - Flight за 1918 г.
"I turned quickly and let the nearest one have a handful of lead, which seemed to deter him somewhat, for he dived away East."
W.Green, G.Swanborough - The Complete Book of Fighters
Сайт - Pilots-and-planes /WWW/
SPAD VII Plain finish
Сайт - Pilots-and-planes /WWW/
SPAD VII 4 colour camouflage pattern as used by de Marcay
Сайт - Pilots-and-planes /WWW/
SPAD VII 5-colour camouflage
В.Шавров - История конструкций самолетов в СССР до 1938 г.
Схема самолета "Спад-VII"
Журнал - Flight за 1917 г.
W.Green, G.Swanborough - The Complete Book of Fighters
Сайт - Pilots-and-planes /WWW/
В.Кондратьев - Самолеты первой мировой войны
J.Davilla - Italian Aviation in the First World War. Vol.3: Aircraft M-W /Centennial Perspective/ (75)
Spad 7
J.Davilla - Italian Aviation in the First World War. Vol.3: Aircraft M-W /Centennial Perspective/ (75)
Spad 7
J.Davilla - Italian Aviation in the First World War. Vol.3: Aircraft M-W /Centennial Perspective/ (75)
Spad 7